"The Wonders" 9 x 12 oil on canvas panel $125
This painting was for another challenge on Different Strokes for Different Folks. I added the child, and her wonder at the light making a great wheel on the floor, and accentuated the preoccupation of the other family members with the wonder of their i-phones. Even with the reference photo provided this was a tough challenge to paint these figures from above, plus making one up (including her shadow), but once again I struggled most with the values. As you will see from the progress below, I realized mid-painting that where I wanted the focus was not going to have the most value contrast.
The choice of a red underpainting was pretty random, other than I thought it would make a nice vibe behind the gray-greens.
Oops! Here's where I realize the focus is on the man, not the child.
Bad exposure on the photo, but the contrast is where I need it. What's with the kid? Not working!
I'm laying on the couch taking a quick snooze with my face in the sun when I realize the child needs to be looking at the source of the light way up there! Turned the canvas upside down to paint her face- amazing how I can forget this is an option. Also decided to crop the canvas- which is also an option with canvas board.