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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Star Gulch Ranch

'Star Gulch Ranch" 16" x12" oil on canvas $199

Three posts ago I showed you a painting done at Terry Miura's plein air workshop and said I would post another when I finished it. Here it is. I'm noticing a zig-zag composition appearing in all these latest paintings. Do you see it?


Tana said...

Oops, I thought I had just left a comment. Oh well, here goes again.

I can see the zig-zags in this painting and am wondering if you find them a help or hindrance?
I am not sure how it could have been painted (knowing what the scene looked like) without them.
What says you.

Leslie Lee said...

Zig zag is a perfectly acceptable way to lead the eye around a picture - I just thought it was interesting that I seem to be using it repeatedly.