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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Girl with the Heart Earring

"Tracy" 10x8" oil on canvas $125- SOLD Thanks, L.B.

I started this painting of a friend at least two years ago and it's been bouncing around my studio looking forlorn ever since. She is now married and has a baby so I don't see her much, but we had dinner together recently and I was once again stuck by her beauty and those amber eyes. So yesterday I finished the painting. The heart earring is a nod to Valentine's Day, but I have something else for Feb 14-you'll see!

I sold a painting out of my studio a while back, but realized at the last minute it was not signed. "Oh, just put your name on it quick so I can take it." said The Buyer, and The Painter said "Sorry, it's not that easy. I'll bring it to you tomorrow." The Buyer was very perplexed, but I explained that the signature on a painting affects the whole composition and sometimes I sign a painting a half-dozen times before I think it looks OK. This portrait is a case in point; I feel like the signature in the lower right keeps the yellow band from just flowing off the bottom. As you can see in the earlier version, there was a dark shape there which I thought was distracting- my name seems to be enough.

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